Kubernetes Backup Using Velero

Kubernetes users may believe that they don’t need backups because they run highly available clusters and everything is deployed from git repos. However, the high availability doesn’t guarantee that Kubernetes applications can be recovered from failures due to user errors, or cybersecurity incidents.

Velero – with over 20,000 estimated active users – is by far the most popular Kubernetes backup tool.

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Afi Social and Charitable Initiatives

We strongly believe that Afi’s primary responsibility is towards our customers and partners, providing a secure, reliable and affordable service. We believe that by focusing on this goal and creating value for our users in the long-run, we deliver a positive impact on the society.

We spend around 0.3% of revenue on charitable causes which include supporting local community, cyber security and global freedoms.

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Encryption Key Management Assessment Completion

Following the secure code review finished last week, we are pleased to announce the successful conclusion of the Encryption Key Management System Assessment performed by SecureIT. This assessment builds upon the results of the code review, further examining Afi's data encryption mechanisms and key management infrastructure.

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Afi Announces Secure Code Review Completion

We’re proud to announce our successful completion of an independent secure code review performed by , a leading cybersecurity and risk audit firm.

This independent review – combined with the regular penetration tests, SOC 2/3, customer-initiated audits, CSA STAR, Cyber Essentials and other certifications – underscores our strong commitment to product development, security and resiliency.

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Can Ransomware Hit Your Microsoft 365 Data?

As of Q1 2023 there's no evidence of a ransomware strain that specifically targets Microsoft 365. However, ransomware criminals are likely to focus on M365 in the future, attempting to steal some of the most sensitive organizational data stored in the cloud.

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Afi Statement On The War In Ukraine

We believe that every nation deserves to live in a peaceful and independent country. We stand with the free people of Ukraine and hope that the Russian aggression will be stopped soon so Ukrainians can start rebuilding their country and their lives.

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Using Microsoft 365 Retention Policies as Backup

Compliance retention policies feature is included in the premium Microsoft 365 plans. It support all major data types and enables unlimited data retention and recovery. In this blog post we discuss advantages and drawbacks of using retention policies as your backup option.

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Google Workspace (G Suite) Email Backup Options

Unlike traditional on-premise email servers Gmail has built-in data protection and data export tools, in addition to Google Vault and 3rd party backup/archiving services. In this blog post we'll compare these data protection options.

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